Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Raising a non systemed foster child.

I began raising Justin in July of 2011. This is not the first time I have taken him in while his mother took care of her mental illness/addiction. See, Justin's mother and I were best friends. She struggles with a mental illness as many people do. After her injury we both decided I would take Justin, then age 12 into my home. This was not a state placement but simple an agreement between himself, his mother, and I. I have had him since. I raise this child as my own with no help financially from anyone or any organization. Of course I took him on myself and it was my choice and I did not let money stop me. Would money be nice, of course it would but the truth is there is no money to get. I am not his legal foster parent, his mother is still recovering from her injuries from the tornado, and the state has no kind of help for these situations...that we know of, YET. I am a single mother of him and my 4 year old daughter and we make it by our own means. Recently I have met another single mother in a very similar situation. She too is raising a child of no blood relation as her own with no financial help from anyone. I began thinking about how our personal child "fostering" has to change what statistics say about all the children without homes. This has to change the numbers in some way. I began thinking about it and realized we are not the only two in this little area. I know of another single mother who took in a teenager and another couple that took in a teenager as well. Most of us do not, at first glance, seem to have the finances, space, or time for such a thing but we beat all that out with our hearts and the grace of God. I deal with many people questioning my choice to raise this child when I struggle financially. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I gave up during our tough times then and now. I do not know the full extent of these other families but I do know Justin's story. His family struggled with addiction, he was not treated right, and he also struggles with mental illnesses of sort. This child has not had an easy life and was headed down a bad path as he was having aggression/respect issues upon many other things. In the short time I have been raising him he has gotten on the honor roll and has turned into a pretty good kid. We still struggle with respect here and there as any teenager does and especially any teenager with a past like him but we make it. There is no help out there for people doing what I am doing. Many have suggested calling legal aid, local lawyers,and DFS for help and every single one of them have no answers. Help is not always financial sometimes it is just time. One can get a temporary custody paper but that only goes so far. If I personally know of 4 people who have been through or are going through similar situations why is there no resource center for us? Why is there no national notice of such situations? I do not want an award for caring for a child because it is the right thing to do but I do want there to be more notice that things happen. People take on other children for free without state involvement and make sacrifices every single day because these children matter. I do feel that it is MY problem because God did put this child in my life and presented the opportunity. How many of you would make such a sacrifice and if you would not would you be willing to help others in need in one way or another? Would you be willing to give up your bedroom for a friend child? would you give up new clothes, shoes, a nice car, and getting your hair done so you can help keep one child out of the system of statistics? If you know anyone in this situation please thank them and if you know of any resources please share. Open your eyes. Speak out. Help those around you.