Thursday, November 22, 2012


I try to think of the gratitude list on a daily baisis. There was a day when all I could think about or focus on was the bad and the hurt. For me, this changed when I gave my life to Christ. I began to learn from the new people I was surrounding myself with that it was possible to see light in everything. I have been told this my whole life but it takes on a new light when people are living what they are speaking. At first focusing on the good was so tiring. It took so much concious thinking. I had to fight the instant negative thoughts with the good things, even if they were small. At times a situation like not having enough money for a certain bill would need to be counter acted with a thought of grattitude for something as simple as my fluffy pillow. I am so thankful today. I am thankful for the day I had with awesome friends. I am thankful for the random act of kindness that made that possible. I am thankful for all the text messages wishing me a happy day. I am thankful for the possiblity of spending Christmas with family. I am thankful for my bills being paid, an amazing child, a great boyfriend, a new job opportunity and the ability to give it a shot...The list goes on and on. I get the blessing of waking up every day being proud of me. I never fall asleep wondering why I am here anymore or if I am doing enough. I am doing my best with Christ in my corner. Blessings. I really do appreciate everyone. Even those that hurt me because I was able to take that hurt and use it for motivation after I was done using it as an excuse. Blessed. Life is not perfect and I am sure it never gets that way but I have never been happier and more filled with love in my life.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Found my old jounal today.

I was reading old journals today and started thinking about my past and how far I have come not just in life but in my heart. I found this one writing in particular that really stood out... ...She started when she was 14. A beautiful young child can seem so innocent but have felt so much pain. It began with a few small scratches. One for every guy, one for every cry, and the others for the unknown. By 15 she was officially a "disturbed child". Getting rid of her food by day and cutting by night. the daily routine consisted of three full meals in and three not so full meals out. At night the razor blade became her lover. Unable to sleep without a kiss to calm her nerves. At 15 came the powder and alcohol. At 18 she lost her temple again to a fucking ass hole... I remember where I was sitting when I was writing this. I remember the feelings in my mind. I didn't write the full thing because I just wanted to prove a point. I remember sitting there on that bed that night thinking of how my life didn't matter. I didn't feel I was going anywhere, I was trying to hide my addictions of many forms, and I felt no one loved me. I thought I would never become anything and definitely KNEW I would never have the ability to love myself. It was not long after that that I woke myself up again realizing I was worth more. No addictions and especially no abusive human being should have the right to make one feel so low they consider ending their life. Today, as I look at those writings, I am so grateful I made it out. I get a chance to love myself at such an extreme level today that I never thought possible. I get a chance to love others and show them how much they matter. I also get a chance of raising two awesome children and helping them through their struggles. So grateful today. I do not think I can ever say that enough. I love me. I love all of me. Scars on my arms. Extra weight on my hips. Blue eyed. Dark haired. Average height. Tabby

Sunday, August 26, 2012

One proud single mother and aunty...brag moment.

As many know July of 2011 was a big step in my life. It was one of the biggest leaps of faith I have ever taken in truly trusting Christ knew what he was doing. I have a friend who had been having "issues" with her teenage son. She was a mother who struggled with addiction of many forms, a mental illness, as well as had an abusive man in her life. Her teenager was acting out in many ways and that summer was starting to get physical with his mother. He had been in juvenile detention as well as hospitals where everyone was trying to figure out what his issue was. I had been in his life since he was 6 and at this time he was 12 and I as well was at my wits end with knowing what advice to give to his mother on how to handle his struggles. In July I got a call one evening from him asking me to pick him up. I asked why and he simply just said he needed to get away and would talk about it when I saw him. I picked him up and he began to pour out his pain on our drive to my house. He was in tears telling me of the abuse he suffered from his "step dad" and how sick his mother was getting again with her addiction. He didn't ever want to go back and was simply depressed. I decided to take a long drive with him so he could keep talking as this is/was a kid who NEVER talked about anything but hate. I told him he could spend the night and began praying to God for an answer. I was a single mother and could barely take care of my daughter and myself at this time. I was struggling with bills, my sanity, and just simply living with one kid how in the world could I EVER do this with two especially a troubled teenager. I prayed for two days for an answer. I was new in my following of Christ and didn't quite know if I got an answer or not but I did know that I felt at ease when I told this child that I would take him into my house but that he had to follow my rules and work with me. It was like, I just KNEW that we would be OK. His mother agreed that it was a good idea and was open to the idea of me taking care of him but could not offer much support as she was still struggling herself. At first times were extremely rough. For MONTHS times were extremely rough. This child only used his words to speak of hate, anger, and his obsessions. He had outbursts which he seemed like he could not control and was so emotional about simple things. I kept stern and strict. After months of trial and error with punishments, rewards, and anything else I could think of this child today is one of the most well behaved 13 year old I have ever met. As I sit here and write this blog I tear up thinking about how hard it was but how worth it the last year has been. I am so proud of him that I can not even contain myself. I remember the times when I was almost embarrassed to take him places because of his anger and pure hate towards life, people, things, places, anything. I remember the car rides where in a 10minute period he would have said 45 hateful things at random. (yes we counted a few times) Or the fights over doing his chores, taking a shower, brushing his teeth. The long nights spent where he would not sleep because he was either staying up obsessing over his favorite things or having paranoid thoughts about his ex step dad coming to our house. He is a child with Aspergers, ptsd, and who has suffered abuse. He has spent the last year working so hard to turn himself around with the guidance of an adopted aunty. He does his chores without being asked. He gets him self up for school. He washes his own clothes on a regular basis. He gets decent grades. He offers to clean when I am sick even when I don't ask. He helps babysit my 3 year old for a few hours here and there and treats her as I do. He respects other peoples property. He is a GOOD kid. How blessed am I to be able to see this and be apart of this? How blessed am I to be able to say I had a part in his change for the good. Yes, we are still working on things and will always be as some of the little troubles he has he can not help. He is different but in such a beautiful way. In the end I know that if anything I get to say I made a difference in a child's life. That someone didn't give up one him and that someone was me. I also get to know in my heart that I truly am meant to work with troubled youth and if God made this situation possible he will make that possible as well. Some think that being a single mother is such an extreme burden and talk about how sorry they feel for us. Struggles with money, time, and sanity will always be a struggle for single mothers, but for me, I get the blessing of knowing Christ is in my corner and so far the two children which I have been taking care of could not be better. Yup, I am a single mother who struggles here and there, but finances do not make up our family the love in our home and hearts does. Thank you for letting me brag and for those of you local any praise to this kid is more than welcome if you see him although he can not stand it I know deep down inside he needs it. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Self worth rant with love from me.

I had a great day today. I think the greatness really was triggered by watching a recorded service from my church. It brought new light to my new department move at work. Honoring people, even if you do not like them is the right thing to do. I woke up today and began texting a friend who is going through some struggles. It reminded me once again of where my self worth was just a few short years ago and how it spiraled many other things in my life. I can not remember the last time I truly had self worth. I am talking about full fledged loving ones own self in such a way that you can be proud. We all know that there are things we each do not like about our selves...maybe the curly hair, big toes, curvy hips...or whatever else you might kind of complain about quietly to yourself. Those things are not the main parts of the hate I am speaking of when talking about self worth, love, hate, etc. I remember when I was skinny. I walked around so shy and so introverted because I did not like myself. I remember thinking about how much I would love myself if I was skinny and I was finally there feeling the same hate for myself as before. What went wrong? I remember thinking to myself...why am I so useless, ugly, boring, stupid, a failure, etc. I ended up in a relationship feeling those feelings and since I was so busy focusing on the relationship and how much I needed that person I began to make excuses for the things that should have been a red flag in day one. Months turned into years and still, excuses were being made. I gained all my weight back by this time and continued to make excuses for the other persons wrong doings. I make excuses for my wrong doings. How could I have gotten here? Was it not yesterday that I was sitting on my bed at 18 years old in a lock down "group home" giving myself the lecture of how excuses had to stop? Was it not yesterday that I got up, dusted myself off, and fought my way up the ladder to social acceptability..? Yet here I was laying in a bed in Joplin, Missouri thinking about all the excuses once again that I was making to continue to live in a life style that was...well, below me. I deserved better and so did he so did Tay. I got up dusted myself off and fought my broken mind and heart for the next year. I fought to teach myself how to see me again in the mirror. I started leaning on something greater then myself a again something greater than another human. Loving yourself is not an easy task. It is a daily count and check list of how worth it you are and why. As that year progressed I began to see my excuses and how they were exactly that. I began to remember how worth it I was and how no matter what anyone else said I KNEW the right and wrong of that 6 year situation. With the help of some amazing friends I gained me back. So here I am, the Tabby that I was meant to be. Yup, struggling is always there but not excuses for dealing with an insanity packed situation which WAS in my control. So, we learn that we are worth it. We can love our selves. Sometimes they truly do NOT love us and we do not love them but an idea of who that person either was or could have been. The feeling of self love and worth is something I would never trade in a lifetime. So, take an honest look at you and your situation. Sometimes it is best to run and do not worry about weather or not you can do it because you are not alone. You get a blessing of leaning on strong people you trust and Christ and making it out the other side standing up right once again with a smile. You are worth it. We all are.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cutting, lies, and pride....

The first time I cut myself I was 14 years old. I do not even remember the particular reason for it but I remember the actual moment I did it. I know that I had a "friend" who had mental issues and who would talk to me about it. I asked her one day how she cut at school and she told me that in the bathroom there were sharp metal pieces on the towel racks. You know, the old school use the metal handle to push the paper towels out and then rip them off? I went to the bathroom and was a little nervous to do it too hard so I tested it and got a few small scratches on my arm. I did it a few more times and then went back to the science class I was in. I sat down and Jessie asked me right away if I had done it, I shook my head yes and showed her my semi bloodied cuts going across my arm. This continued a few weeks before I began using other objects at home. At first it was almost to just see what it felt like/fit in with Jess almost like I did not want her to feel alone as odd as that sounds. Of course the cutting got worse and worse over the years. I began cutting with razor blades when I was 15 and by 16 almost every single night before bed would have to cut myself. Yes, I was in and out of homes and etc at this time but I still managed. By 17 years old I had slowed down a lot on cutting. I did it at least every other week but it did not seem like an "addiction" it was more of a coping skill. No matter how many different ideas Therapists had about different coping skills NOTHING worked as great as this. I continued to cut on and off until a little under 2 years ago. Since I have given my life to Christ it has not even crossed my mind. I see other girls with scars or even fresh wounds at times and feel as tho my heart cries for them. I would think about how grateful I was that this never crossed my mind anymore. The last 6 months or so have been a crazy ride. I have been preparing for Gastric bypass, had an ovary removed, moved into a house with NO roommates, and started doing even more soul searching. Finances were supposed to be easier but have only become a lot harder. I have been dishonest about how bad it truly has been to the people who have offered to help because failing at providing for my self and these children makes me feel like the biggest failure. I stay positive and keep a smile on my face knowing that Christ has always had my back. I try not to complain in details about the situation and recently have decided it is time to be honest. I am not here to tell you about my finances but to tell you to not push important stuff down so far that eventually it overflows just at the wrong moment. Sometimes it is time to swallow your pride and be honest. I never felt I was a dishonest person but today I admit that I am. In lying about my finances I figured that it was saving others from the pain of maybe not being able to help as well as myself from feeling like a failure. In this roller coaster of emotions the thought crossed my mind once again to cut. I did not think about doing it for more than those few seconds it took to run through my mind but I did think for hours about how I could not believe myself. I could not believe that after so long with never a thought suddenly I spent a few seconds pondering the idea. So, here I am. Finally getting around to writing this blog. From day one of this blog I promised to not hide anything. I know others struggle with their own addictions of sort and I want others to know that at times you have to suck it up and be real. No, I did not cut. No, I do not want to. No, I am not depressed. Yes, I am changing my ways of lying about finances in order to make others feel better and even myself. My pride is not worth it anymore. Thanks for reading friends. P.S. Feel free to share this blog to anyone you know who struggle with self mutilation or even addiction. I am more than happy to lend an ear, open heart, and share in more detail if it is needed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We do not run off statistics.

I want to tell a story about a good friend of mine who came into my life at an amazing time. The day Jeremy (Taylor's dad) moved out a friend, whom I had hardly known at that moment, moved in. He needed a place and I was not ready to live alone. As I think back to it now it could not have worked out better. At first Jeremy started with visiting Taylor constantly which lasted about a month and after that he acted like it was a chore to even come say hi to her. I remember him coming into the apartment complex to see his friends and avoiding our window so Taylor wouldn't see him. Within a few months he moved to Indiana to be with his new woman and got married shortly after that. He left May 2010 and since then has seen Taylor less then 10 times. Taylor last say her dad Jan 2011 and last spoke with him Oct 23. Meanwhile a friend of mine came into our home and began helping me with Taylor. This friend had not been able to see his own daughter very much and missed her terribly. The first year to year and a half I truly think that this friend helped Taylor in a way that I would have never in my life been able to fill. She responded with helping his heart heal a little as well. They became like best friends....the best adopted uncle a kiddo could ever ask for. It is funny how God puts people in your life at just the right time. I at times wonder if this friendship she has with my friend has been one of the factors of her being so positive about not having a dad around. Taylor never gets sad or worried about Jeremy not being in her life and even comes to her own conclusions about it without me saying anything. She refers to him being gone as, "My daddy ran away". She says constantly that she has a daddy but he ran away and is busy. I never have put anything in her head about him as I believe she should come up with her own ideas about who Jeremy is. I do however answer her questions in an honest manner and try not to get annoyed when she crys for her dad which used to only happen when she was in trouble....thank goodness we made it past that stage. Taylor has been handed a pretty awesome card in her life to have such amazing people surround her and shower her with love. I can not wait to see how she changes the world when she is grown as she has already touched many peoples hearts. As for Jeremy, I do hope that he realizes that he still has a daughter in the world whom is his blood and if he doesn't ever come around again I know that Taylor will grow to be awesome anyway. I have made a promise to myself that I will NEVER fall into the statistics trap about children being raised by single parents. My daughter is going to be just as awesome as any child who has both parents and knowing how strong she already is I know she will not feed into that either. Life is completely manageable as a single parent. It is not only manageable but in my case is such a happier situation than what would have ever been possible before. Don't ever think you can not do it. Do not ever think that you will fail because of finances or even just the feeling of being lonely. There is never a reason to stay in a situation which is unsafe or dysfunctional because you are scared of what it will do to your children. We get to teach our children how amazing they are and how their situation is a blessing not a curse or a cause for a pity party. :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


At times I wonder if some of the events we get invited too are simply because of pity. I try to remind myself that I am a pretty decent human and people like my company but at times that isn't enough.

I moved to Missouri at a time when I acted on impulses without a second thought and when I had no true responsibilities. I moved here in love with a man whom probably wasn't as great as my young heart wanted to believe.

Fast forward a few years....

I have Taylor, become a single mom and then take in a teenager as well. I know that in Missouri I have an amazing support system with amazing friends but in reality as a single mom with no "other half" it's tough. My daughter doesn't get to see grandparents at holidays or on weekends and I get to feel like a pity invite at most functions. Life is meant for single people with no kids or families with both parents. Big adventures can be almost impossible at times.

I remember going to visit grandparents during the holidays. I remember my Grandma Jans Ham at Christmas and summer playing skipbo with Grandma Stewart. I can't help feel heart broken that my daughter will be four and I can count on one hand the amount of visits she has had with family.

I keep praying that He shows me why I'm supposed to stay here or a way for me to be closer to home.

Until then I'll remember that God has a reason for this venture and Im sure it's way bigger then I could ever dream of.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

2 years Good GOLLY MISS MOLLY!

I was thinking today of usual. I seem to do a lot of thinking these days. I was thinking about this week and what it marks for me. Last year I did not notice it as the tornado it and I was too busy with other things. Today, after picking Taylor up from her school and hearing about how "emotional" she has been I realized it has been two years this week since her father left. Between my parents visit, the one year mark of the tornado, and the two years that her father has been gone I could only imagine what her little heart is going through. I know she doesn't hurt like we, as adults, do but I also know that it still bothers her. Taylor is one of the happiest little blessings I was given. She loves everyone and can make friends with strangers. I ask her sometimes about her "daddy" and her responses amaze me. I remember when she told me she wasn't sad about him not seeing her because she didn't HAVE to be. Seems like such a simple thought but as adults we can never seem to remember the choice we have with our emotions. I sometimes see pictures of Jeremy with his new family and can not even imagine how he sleeps at night knowing his first born was out there living her life without him. She used to be such a daddies girl and he was so attached to her it amazes me that a human can simply write off their child. I have to remember that although we are all humans we are not all the same when it comes to our hearts. I also have to remember that sometimes our brains over ride what our heart tells us anyway. I remember that first year of single parenthood. I was in a relationship with Jeremy so long I never truly got to experience life as a single woman. I spent my teenage years in institutions and then at 19 met him and ran away from Cali to be with him here, in Missouri. It seemed that first year that I was really being a young woman for the first time. I had spent so much time as a "family" never going out to clubs or bars....or whatever it is that 20year olds do. Even tho I was extremely emotionally unstable at first but decided I would try to have "fun" anyway. I had been talking to a friend for a little while before Jeremy left and this friend seemed to divert my heart some from the mechanical break down it was having. He reminded me how beautiful I was and how much of a person I was. Now, I know what you are thinking....shouldn't you figure those thing out alone? How could some other GUY give you permission to think and feel those things again... and my response to you is, you must never have been a broken young woman like I was. This friend spent time with me talking about everything about both my life and his. The first year seemed to fly by. Although this guy had faded out a bit I still spoke with him almost daily. During this time I was still feeling like the weight on my heart was almost unbearable. I hardly wanted to take Tay anywhere and besides work and the Sundays at church, I rarely saw friends unless they stopped by. I didn't know what to do for holidays or birthday...I didn't feel right taking her to even the park because I just remembered everything being family oriented I guess you could say I spent a lot of time "reflecting" or being "depressed" however you want to word it. The tornado hit and right around that time so did my healing heart. It was almost like it started breaking through the broken one. I picture it like hot lava breaking apart the dry lava as it flows under ground. The last year was spent dating, slowly, and getting to know me as a 27 year old single mother of now 2. I started making my own traditions and going on our own adventures. I remember when I got out of the lock down institution at 18....I remember thinking that nothing could be worse than my past and I remember the high hopes I had for my future. I was determined to make it. To prove society and those doctors wrong. I was going to be something...become something! I guess I can finally say that I am at that place. I, Tabatha Michelle Carter, am proud of ME. I am a big beautiful, smart, kind, strong, caring, single mother who enjoys fighting my way up this ladder. I get a rush out of knowing my child and foster son are on my heart and Christ is helping push me along. I am so glad I do not use my past as an excuse not to carry on or move up in life. I am so blessed in so many ways at times it seems unreal. seems unreal DAILY! I never imagined in a million years that I would have so many good things happen to me. I was always that person who, no matter how hard I worked, never seemed to move forward. Although the last two years have been crazy I am thankful daily for what has happened to me. I have learned to cope well, move on, love regardless, and pay it forward. I have had my heart smashed and made it to the other side. I must say that in this situation the grass is honestly greener on the other side!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


My gratitude list for the day was pretty long. On those tough days where things seem to be falling apart I try to stop and make myself a gratitude list. I sometimes have to even write silly things on there just to remind myself that I have plenty to be grateful for. Today it was much today marked the one year mark for the devastating tornado that struck Joplin. At first I was thanking God for my loved ones, stuff, and sanity...then I was thanking him for showing me his power both in my life and in the lives around me. As the day went on tho work caught up to me and I began to lose sight of the things I started my day being grateful for. I started thinking about the list of chores at home, how I missed my dad and step mom who had just left to go back home, my lack of money for things such as putting the kids in extra activities, and just how tired I was. I started listening to those who were near me talk of their woes and started wondering how I was going to fix mine. I found out recently about a change that I felt would affect my little family of three for the bad. I started wondering how I was going to afford one thing or another and how I was going to be able to continue to be the amazing person I knew I could be in all the areas I was needed. I came home stressed out and angry and began to be short tempered with the children. My face started getting hot and then I got sick....sick to my stomach. After checking my temp and realizing that a fever what what I had I laid down. I was FORCED to not do anything I had planned and simply take a break. I began to think even more while I was laying down. I started remembering how well I do when I take control instead of let Christ lead me. I think it is funny how those moments can change your thought process so quickly. One can go from looking at situation A B and C in complete darkness to looking at A B and C as a stepping stone to the future for the good. I am sure it sounds so cheesy to some of you and I would have said the same thing a few years ago. It is moments like these that I get one of those reality checks. You the ones where your parents would slap your mouth for just "sounding like you had attitude" yet you had no idea what they were talking about. It is one of those completely unexpected feelings/thoughts. I began to think about where I was 6 months excited I was for this change to come into my life. How hard I worked to get back at a job I loved and a situation which I felt content. I started remembering all the amazing people in my life who tell me constantly to just ask if I need anything and how stubborn I am when I choose not to do so. I was in the middle of praying for an answer when all it took was an attitude adjustment to see it was already there. No, things are not how they "NEED" to be in MY eyes...but they are in His eyes and as far as I am concerned that is good enough. I shall move onto bigger and better how to get these fever down and WILL this sickness that just hit me away....

Friday, April 27, 2012

You better knock on someone elses door...

Well, the last few weeks of emotions have been way more then enough. I have been looking for a house, dealing with DFS regarding Justin, taking on more responsibilities in one area and letting go of some in others. I've been financially strapped yet have been blessed with all our NEEDS met. I've shred for help when needed....yup ME asking for help! I have also walked away from one of my "cups of red soup".
I realized during all this that my mental illness it still there and too much change is the number one cause of bringing it all out again.
I have learned over the years that I can be a functioning member of society no matter what I was told in those institutions but that I will battle my mental illness forever.
I used to be ashamed to admit how sick I really was at one point and how hard it is to stay away from those "habbits" but nowv I look at it all like just another card I was dealt. I know there are others who struggle with severe mental illnesses and who feel the same as I do. I am so glad that today I see the good in it more then the bad. Those old habits will always affect me just in different ways. Today, the scars on my arms and legs remind me of where I once was and allow me to truly understand the pain others go through when they battle these "issues".
Over stressind and obsessing has been my downfall the last few weeks and although it's not gone yet at least I am able to see what is causing it and that there is an end to it....eventually.
:) Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Running with no destination...

I was told today by someone that they were amazed at how great I was doing with all that was going on in my life. That they were impressed that I could be so positive about it all.
Isn't it funny how someone else can tell you something like that and you suddenly you have super strength for a few hours?
Yet all it takes to break you back down on a regular day is one ounce of doubt from a very close friend.
I remember how I used to say that I didn't care what anyone thought yet I was constantly trying to dress "cool". As we grow up we think that mentallity has gone away but it only gets worse. You have such a different relationship with your friends that their oppinion MUST matter...they know you so well, right?
Although I love my friends dearly I have come to learn that as my faith grew their oppinions didn't matter on such a high level. I get to welcome their encouraging words and llisten to their tough love but in the end Iof the day I get to hand it all over to my God and allow the rest to work it's self out.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

2 years and here we are.....

It's funny how I don't seem to remember an exact conversation that lead to the end of the relationship. I just remember the pain that lead up to the break up and the moment I found myself laying on the bathroom floor with a knife to my wrist begging the "God" I had no belief in for an answer... for help...for a reason.
Now I know people talk about all these amazing, sweet, super special moments when they felt they met Christ but mine was nothing like that.... Here I was laying there, poofy eyes, snot running down my face, cuts on my arm, begging for an answer. At the time I didn't believe in God so it almost felt as if I was talking to the air....
I can't even remember most of the things that came out of my mouth... I just remember the wave of emotions that swept through my body. Suddenly my brain started proccessing the same scenarios in a different light. I started hearing my surroundings again...Tay in the living room playing with her adopted uncles and aunties. Cloie's dog tags jingling as she walked around. To you these may seem like small things but to me...these were life savers and life changers. I remember my rule which I made to help control those "manic episodes" I used to have, I would give myself 6 months to try this "God" thing people talked about. I had been to Ignite a few times since Tay was born but never truly got it. I got myself up off that floor and carried on. Began going to Church weekly and began learning how to love me again. Started learning how I did wrong by hearing the word of God. I remember when I raised my hand to give my life to Christ. I remember how scared I was and how weird it felt that I, Tabatha Carter, the girl who would yell at you for praying for me, the girl who laughed at "church people", was now giving her life to Christ. Allowing Him to guide me and willing to try another way....a way other then my own.
I got baptised not long after that and started processing how to follow Christ in all the ways I possibly could. I learned that I could be me and be a Christian. I learned what a Church family was. I learned how amazing it was to have Christ in your corner and how He seemed to make the impossible possible again.
I decided to write this blog for many reasons but one was because Easter is quickly approaching and this marks a year since my Baptism at Ignite.
I can't believe the blessings that have come my way in last year and a half. I have amazing friends, an amazing little girl who is on fire for God as well, and the belief that I matter again.
After six years in a disfunctional relationship I forgot who I was, where I wanted to go in life, and most importantly that I mattered. I got to learn to love me again which kept me out of another disfunctional relationship. I learned that I was beautiful, smart, sexy, kind, a great mother, and most of all worth it. Almost 2 years after the split I finally felt ready to start trying to give people chances again.
I talk a lot about these crazy blessings I have had come my way in the last year but am not always specific.
When you get approved for certain deperatly needed assistance after being denied for so long...that's a blessing.
When you somehow manage to pay your bills even tho your income on paper shows you are a couple hundred short...that is a blessing.
When you have true friends who are always there to help when in need and be there to celebrate the good....that is a blessing.
When you wake up every day and go to sleep every night in a warm cozy bed....that is a blessing.
When, after 2 years, you find someone special who not only loves you but also asks about your kiddo just as much....that is a blessing.
When you get to see your friends give their life to Christ and you get to witness the awesome change in their life...that is a blessing.
When you go through extremly tough times without using self distructive behavior to cope...that is a blessing.
I am so glad I got that little post card in the mail with fire on it inviting me to Ignite church that's Sunday.
I am so glad that the messages spoke to me.
I'm truly glad that that disfunctional relationship came to a halt. I get to be the mother I knew I could be with a real smile on my face. I get to love Christ. Love myself. Love my kiddos (Justin included). I get to Love others.....
Blessed? ....I think so.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saint Patricks Day Joy...

I would say today was one of those m, wake up on the right side of the bed days. Tay woke me up at around 7 singing "...Gods not read he's surely alive he's living on the inside..." We got up and started getting ready for the Saint Patricks Day activities. I took time doing her hair, we went to Joplins parade and then Moriah, my roomie, cooked some awesome food. The day ended at about 830. Tay is now in bed and my homework is mostly done. Why can't all days be this easy?
I can honestly say I didn't think too.much today about my worries. I didn't fret over money or time or school. I simply lived a day focusing on my family and being carefree... Amazing!
I know financially all will work out. I know I have some great friends helping me in this time of need with Tay and the surgery and anything else I ask for. My problem is getting past being stubborn and just asking.
Tonight I'm going to go to bed thinking only of the Joys in my life. . . Tay, Justin, my awesome Church family, and maybe a new guy in the mix but shhhh I'm taking that part slow as rushing into anything at this moment in my life would be no good. :p

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today is almost over.

So, once again I had to leave work because of this cyst.... My ovary won again. :(
While I was at work I began to think of all the stuff going on currently and how this is affecting me and my friends. I try to keep as much of it to myself as I don't like to be negative but recently this has been rough.
I am dealing with this health stuff which includes a complex cyst on my ovaries, rotting tonsils, and at the end of summer the gastric bypass surgery.
My mother is ill due to her drinking. My grandmother is dealing with extreme pain and will have surgery soon. My finances are tough from having to miss work. I've recently learned of a "best friend" who slept with the man I was with 6 yrs. I am on the verge of getting sent to a.department at work I hate.
All this wears on a person many ways. I push through as much as I can but sometimes I struggle. I get short with friends and family, I cancel on plans, I don't return texts or calls, and I simply just don't care some days about your issues.
We are all human. We all deal with life differently. These are the moments that make or break friendships. These moments allow me to appreciate the good even more then before. They show me that being stubborn and not asking for help doesn't always work and that I am stronger then ever before.
This blog isn't about pitty parties... It's about showing you a different view.... So once again smile. Step back and be grateful.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Everyone has stressers.....

So, although I try to be optimistic about things sometimes you just get overwhelmed. Between my ovairan cyst causing me not to be able to work as much as I need, to my lack of money to pay bills, there is the worry of being able to hold my temper when I'm so tired from no sleep and overwhelming pain. I have doctors appointments, other commitments, school, 2 kids, regular household chores and mommy duty all while trying not to freak out about what is going on with my health. There are roommate stressers (even tho my roomies are awesome), financial stressers and every day friend stresses. In the last two years I have been lied too and kicked down by "close friends". I have had to go from being in a six year relationship to becoming a single mom who has to work and do it all on her own while dealing with a crszy thieving man and his "new wife". I try to look at everything on the positive side but every once in awhile we all have our moments and should give ourselves time to feel, grieve, and just ride the waves of emotions because ignoring feelings is never healthy. Today is one of those days. I'm giving myself a set amount of time and then jumping off this pitty pot.
I try to keep a gratitude list and remember that this too shall pass.
So today I am going to remind
myself to breath... Take a few moments to feel... And then breath.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bed time stories for mommy..

Had one of those emotional days... You know the ones where you just want your brain to shut up so you can work? Yeah... That was me.
Over the last two years I've learned quite a bit about the "dating game" and quickly learned I don't like it one bit. I not only learned the truth about men being jerks and women being weirdos I also learned who I truly was.,
See, I was in this relationship for 6 years. When I found out he was leaving me I lost it. I began making excuses for his actions and blaming me. The cheating was because I wasnt there enough, the drugs were because the stress, the strealing money was not meant to hurt me.... I turned into a weak woman who had no idea who she was. Once I came back to reality I decided to spend time alone just getting to know me. Eventually I dated casually and the men I seemed to like fit the same jerk category as Jeremy (my ex). I then decided to compile a list of wants... It included everything from stability, a car, less than 2 kids, tall, no drug use to spirituality, drive, and a family man. As I dated the list got longer and my options of dateable men quickly narrowed. The ones who seemed interested quickly changed their mind. I couldn't figure out what I was doing to scare them off. I came to the conclusion that men have a hard time with overly independent, super outgoing, single mothering, strong willed women. I also came to the conclusion that I'm ok with
me. Yup... Just me. Single independent Tabby. It's nice. It's refreshing. It's something I've never really experienced before. Co dependency was yet another label I used to have... Used to.
So, smile. Be okay with you. Love you because when you do those things you realize you're worth so much more then anything you ever imagined.
No matter what you have been told...You are worth it!

Good morning sunshine

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who am I?

It is funny how we label yourself at times. I spent some time today thinking of all the things I called myself and realized how many "things" I have been. It has recently been brought to my attention how my story has made a difference in others lives. I never thought it was such a big deal until I thought about how much my heart aches for others struggling through some of the situations I had been in in my past. Today I can talk about these things and no longer be ashamed because the past is not an excuse for today or tomorrow. I am going to be as honest as possible in this blog because maybe one day someone will read ONE thing that will help them make it another day during those rough days and I am sure it doesn't hurt too much to just get these emotions out once in awhile.
Anyway, back to the labeling thing. Here is a list of things I have been called by others and/or called myself.
An amazing friend.
A great mother.
A hard worker.
A survivor.
A motivator.
A single mom.
A beautiful woman.

and some more negative ones...

An adult child of an alcoholic.
A self mutilator.
A sexual abuse survivor.
A worry wort.
An ungrateful brat.
A fake Christian.
A fatty.
A control freak.
A snob.

All these things...and I sure could think of a million more.
To some you may read that and think how sad it is and others will see it as strong I see it as me. Not an excuse but a motivator. I have survived many bad things and accomplished many good but one thing is for sure...I will NOT use my past, downfalls nor accomplishes, as an excuse to crutch my future.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The start of what is to come...

After reading many other blogs online about parenting, faith, being a single parent, bypass surgery, and even cooking I decided it was time I start one myself. I mean after all my life is pretty entertaining. :)
I would love to share my stories on being a single parent while going to school, working full time, dealing with health issues, and most importantly growing in my spirituality.
Recently I have spent a lot of time reflecting on my life as far as where I have been, where I am now, and where I am headed. I could have never imagined I would be here today doing this all as a single strong independent woman. I never thought I was strong enough to even fully care for myself and here I am taking care of my own daughter, who is three and my friends son, who is 13.
Supporting them of course is pretty tough financially as I do not get a chance to work much over time when it is offered. I also have my own health issues to deal with as well as my daughters lung stuff.
Although the last two years have been almost a constant struggle for me financially and emotionally it seems as my faith grew the issues that used to pull me down so greatly have so much less power. Suddenly I know that I can do this and I will do this.
Parenting, school, work, and upcoming surgeries better watch out! This mama is going to make it through with a smile on her face!